Alien Isolation Mission 3 Go to Seegson Communications

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  • How Long Does It Take To Complete
  • How Long Does It Take To 100%
  • How Many Story Missions Are There

Alien: Isolation is a survival horror game available on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch. It came out in 2014 and won awards for Best Horror Game, Game of the Year, Audio Achievement, Lighting, and Game Engineering.

It is a must-play for fans of the Alien franchise, as you get to play as Ripley's daughter, Amanda Ripley, as she looks into what happened to her mother in space. The game utilizes a lot of stealth, so it requires patience and skill for those who want to beat the game quickly.

How Long Does It Take To Complete

To simply complete the main story without worrying about extra content or being a completionist takes an average of 18 and a half hours. This is according to data from the website, How Long to Beat, which polled over one thousand players on their playtime.

Of course, being a stealth horror game gives Alien: Isolation a wide range of time to beat depending on the player. Leaning deep into the stealth gameplay while taking few risks will make the game take longer. Additionally, if you get scared and need to pause the game a lot then that will definitely rake up more time.

In terms of speedrun records, the fastest run-through was done in just two hours and 41 minutes by a German gamer known as "Metzix." This was done with loads of trial and error (so getting this record likely took more time than the game actually recorded) and was documented in 2016.

How Long Does It Take To 100%

A completionist run can double the time it takes to beat the game. The average time from the How Long to Beat Poll in completionist playthroughs is 31 and a half hours. If you rush, then you may be able to cut that down to 25 hours. If you take it easy, it can take as long as 46 hours - that is quite long for a survival horror game title.

Extra content such as Crew Expendable and Last Survivor is not that long, averaging around half an hour each. What really adds to the time is the difficulty of hard playthroughs. The average mode is hard on its own, so the higher difficulty really can pack a punch. So getting the Survivor and One-Shot Achievements are what piles on time. Of course, there is also collecting the 50 ID tags for The Taken achievement.

How Many Story Missions Are There

There are 19 missions in all. They are . . .

  • Mission 1 - Closing the book
  • Mission 2 - Welcome to Sevastopol
  • Mission 3 - Encounters
  • Mission 4 - Seegson Communications
  • Mission 5 - The Quarantine
  • Mission 6 - The Outbreak
  • Mission 7 - Seegson Synthetics
  • Mission 8 - Haven
  • Mission 9 - Beacon
  • Mission 10 - The Trap
  • Mission 11 - Hazard Containment
  • Mission 12 - Synthetic Solution
  • Mission 13 - Consultation
  • Mission 14 - The Descent
  • Mission 15 - The Message
  • Mission 16 - The Transmission
  • Mission 17 - Desolation
  • Mission 18 - Tomorrow, Together
  • Mission 19 - Isolation

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About The Author

Allison Stalberg (375 Articles Published)

Writer, author of The Awei Series, and cat foster parent. Her favorite games include Dragon Age, Pokémon, Final Fantasy XIV, Team Ico games, Ōkami, and RPG maker horror games. She probably would be a Fairy/Ghost type Pokémon Trainer.

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Alien Isolation Mission 3 Go to Seegson Communications


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