How to Delete a Book From Kdp Bookshelf

How to change your book's price on Amazon KDP depends on whether or not you are enrolled in KDP Select. In this article, we walk you through the steps required to set your Kindle book to free in two scenarios: if you are enrolled in KDP Select and if you are not enrolled in KDP Select. Below is our quick reference graphic to walk you through the decisions, full instructions are below.

If Your Book is Enrolled in Amazon KDP Select

If your title is enrolled in KDP Select, Amazon allows you to run a Free Book Promotion on that title. Amazon limits the number of days that your book can be listed as free. You can choose to offer any book enrolled in KDP Select free to readers for up to 5 days out of each 90-day KDP Select enrollment period. You can use all 5 days at once, or you can spread the five days out over 90 days by using one day at a time until all five are used up. Keep in mind that you cannot run a KDP promo on the first day of your enrollment period. To set up a free book promotion, follow these steps:

To set up a free book promotion, follow these steps:

1. In your Bookshelf, click on the ellipsis button ("…") under the Book Actions menu next to any book enrolled in KDP Select.

2. Select "KDP Select Info".

3. Under "Run a Price Promotion", select "Free Book Promotion". ("Kindle Countdown Deal" will be selected by default.)

4. Click "Create a new Free Book Promotion".

5. Enter the desired start and end date and click "Save". Avoid ending on the final day of your KDP Select term.

If you are interested in running a $0.99-$2.99 promotion, and your book is in KDP Select, you can also choose to run a Kindle Countdown Deal, which is different than simply changing the list price for your book. Using the same steps as above, you can select "Kindle Countdown Deal" from the drop down, and choose your dates.

There are a few perks to running a countdown deal, the most notable being:

1. If your book is normally priced above $2, you maintain your 70% royalty rate, even though your book will be discounted.

2. Amazon calls out Kindle Countdown deals on dedicated pages, as well as on the daily deals page.

If Your Book is NOT Enrolled in Amazon KDP Select

If your book is not enrolled in KDP Select, but you would like to promote it for free, then you have to rely on Amazon to price match your book. There are a few steps you need to take to achieve an Amazon price match your title.

Step One: Set your book to free on Amazon

To do this, log in to your KDP account and follow these steps:

1. Click the ellipsis button ("…") under the Book Actions menu next to the book you're updating.

2. Select "Edit eBook pricing".

3. Set the list price to $0.99 (This is the lowest price that Amazon will allow you to input).

4. Give the site a minute to load and it will adjust your new price to reveal your royalty rate. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Publish Your Kindle eBook".

Step Two: Make your book free on all other retailers

Log in to your author accounts on Nook, Apple, Google, and Kobo and set the price of the same title to $0.00.

For more information on using Nook, Apple, Google, and Kobo to promote your eBooks, check out our following guides:

  • How to Self-Publish on Nook Press
  • How to Self-Publish on Apple Books
  • How to Self-Publish on Google
  • How to Self-Publish on Kobo

Step Three: Request a price match from KDP Support

Log a price match request with KDP support by submitting a question at their support portal.

It is important to know that Amazon is in no way obligated to change the price of your book. While it is in their best interest as a competitive retailer to price match to the lower price, they may do so slowly, or not at all. Due to this, it is best to initiate this process well before any paid promotions that you have booked (such as a Freebooksy promotion) are scheduled to run.

Have any additional questions about price promotions and how they work? Ask us in the comments or tweet at us at @WrittenWordM.

How to Delete a Book From Kdp Bookshelf


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